Here's what I do
Love Yourself More! a silly show of strategies for happier, healthier, more motivated kids​
Junk Drawer, a semi-improvised solo show
Mabel And Geffrey's Family Interest Affair, a comedic lounge act
Sing jazz and American standards with the Dave Kitchen Trio
Improv comedy at The Mopco Improv Theatre ​​​​​​​​
Available for improvised singing in any capacity
Write for the children's market, including licensed projects, fiction, nonfiction, decodable readers, digital content, educational cards, and other products.
Write adult nonfiction, with a background in bridal, family, travel, health, entertainment, pop culture, cooking, comedy, and tech, among other subjects
Edit, proofread, fact check, coordinate art, manage freelancers, and manage project deadlines
Develop content plans and craft clear, concise messages for corporate communications, including newsletters, blog posts, and emails
Break down complex concepts for children and general audiences
Generate ideas and collaborate with publishers and packagers on book projects for trade, educational, and unconventional markets​​
“Heather is a seasoned and experienced writer with a clear and strong voice, a unique style, and a careful attention to requirements that makes her work a consistent value. I am always delighted to partner with Heather on a project.” – Dona Rice, Teacher Created Materials
"An improviser should always work to make their partner look good. Heather always does, and she looks good herself. She’s funny, she’s smart, and she can sing. It’s a pleasure to be with her on stage." - Michael Burns, Artistic Director, The Mopco Improv Theatre
"Heather choreographed a super informative and entertaining online presentation for our community of grad students, alumni, faculty, and friends. We all appreciated her generosity and sense of humor as she shared her career experiences and advice about work-for-hire children's book authoring. I received many thanks for inviting her!" – Lisa Rowe Fraustino, Director, Graduate Programs in Children's Literature at Hollins University